Monday, December 12, 2005

Mathis Out! Cunningham In!

Real Salt Lake just added the goal scoring prowess of Jeff Cunningham to their lackluster offense. The only site reporting at this time is the Rapids.

It's a great move for RSL. They looked slow up top at times and Cunningham will add that demension of speed. As said before, and in other places, Clint didn't seem to find his old form with Salt Lake. Maybe he'll find it in Denver.

As I see it without doing a lot of thinking... and ideal set up for next season would be Tarley and Cunningham up top with Jason right in behind them feeding the two forwards.

Friday, December 09, 2005

English take on FIFA Rankings

So as I am getting acclimated with world media, I'm learning that Sky Sports is probably the British equivalent to ESPN? Oh well, I find their prospective on FIFA rankings interesting.

I realize that the method of the FIFA rankings makes little sense, even after the formula explanation in this story, but I also think they have little merit on anything. I also now know that the rankings and World Cup seeding have nothing to do with each other. Two weeks ago I had no idea the two weren't related.

Oh yeah, and quit crying England! You're seeded aren't you?

Friday, December 02, 2005

MLS Stadium Progress: Colorado Rapids

My fellow RSL supporters may flog me for this, but I wanted to comment on the Colorado Rapids stadium pictures that were recently released. And since both Rapids fans might be busy I figured nobody would mind.

I'm very encouraged by the computer renderings. The pitched roof over the sideline stands is a nice touch. I especially like this picture. You might wonder why (besides that it is an accurate depiction of what it will look like on game days). If you notice, this like many of the MLS stadiums being built or recently completed doesn't have stands behind one of the goals. This is fine, what ever floats the owners boat, that doesn't really bother me.

But, you'll notice something missing in Colorado that's in all the others - the stage structure. I don't mind having the stages so much as the enormous distracting structure that looms over them. It's the only blemish, in my mind, of the otherwise beautiful Pizza Hut Park, and soon to be Bridgeview in Chicago.

Nicely done Colorado. Each of your fans will be able to bring a friend and they can all have their own letter...with plenty to spare.